War Games: Why Do We Like Them So Much

Video GameMite are a market that has been part of the life of both the new generations and those of yesteryear. But not only that, but it has also been part of the creativity and inspiration for some of the most recognized brands. Even in sports, they are beginning to become important, we talk about eSports. More information about GameMite look at this web-site.

Indeed, today, with new technologies, some projects and advertising campaigns focus on making it something interactive for the user, this being something of the most attractive to the audience. Therefore, today we want to review a little the impact that video games have had on the world of marketing.

The popularity of video games

Video games have had very complex and complete creative scopes that have already been part of important exhibitions such as the Smithsonian of Washington. The level of complexity of video games is so high that in the United States it is already recognized as an art. In addition, video games are not only just hobbies, but they have already become an excellent communication platform for brands .

The value of the video game industry worldwide exceeded 138 billion dollars in 2018, a growth of just over 13% over last year. 50% of the profits come from mobile equipment and only 25% from consoles.

Video games are something else

Producing a video GameMite involves many people and equipment, not just programmers. Writers, creatives, musicalists, cartoonists, marketers and a long list of collaborators are required. And as many collaborators are needed, it also involves very specific tasks to make such a video game a success, for example:

Design of the graphics with which the interaction of the essence of the game counts.
Interface design , which consists of attractively proposing game mechanics.
Product branding design , providing a development with the interface and the target audience.
Packaging design and all other promotional items , where the main objective is the sale.
Design of editorial manuals that describe the characteristics of both the product and the target market.

How to do marketing in a video game

Video games can be an excellent platform for a marketing campaign and start branding our brand. There are three ways to do marketing through a video game:

Digital Product Placement . Consumer brands appear in the scenarios that the protagonists of the game play, either in spectacular or as part of the decoration of a site; Even as a special team.
Sponsorship. Use the codes of digital games that exist (puzzles, strategy games, platforms, etc.) and customize them with the logo, mascot, product or colors Exclusive development. Create a whole video game based on the needs of the brand. Here you could include virtual reality and augmented reality ; and make it as complex as desired.


Digital marketing can be the channel that your company needs GameMite, and with the boom that video games are having, the combination of both can be the perfect mix for your company to be known and thus be able to reach the public in an ingenious way. Take this opportunity.

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